Kosher Create Healthy Dessert Recipe Collection.
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Purim is observed on the 14th day of the Jewish month Adar, although in Jerusalem it is celebrated on the 15th.

Purim is a joyous holiday characterized by the animated reading of Megilat Esther in synagogues throughout the world. It is customary to create a loud noise using a special noisemaker, ra-ashan, whenever Haman’s name is mentioned. Mishloach Manot, mutual gifts of food and drink, are given as is charity to the poor. There is a celebratory meal, the drinking of wine and the wearing of masks and costumes.

The awaited treat of Purim is a triangular pastry bursting with sweet delight.

Date Hamantashen On White Cupcake Holders.

Kosher Create’s Date Hamantashen Recipe will help you create a pastry that is unique, healthy and nutrient rich! They are a welcome addition to Mishloach Manot, the mutual gifts of food and drink distributed on the holiday. Below is a list of other healthy treats that would add to the gift. Just click on the recipe of your choice. Enjoy!

Purim Healthy Recipes And Treats From Kosher Create With Pink And Blue Masks Decoration.

For more dairy-free treats, feel free to browse our Dairy Free (Parve) Desserts Section.

Honey Wholegrain Cookies

Maple Walnut Oat Cookies

For more healthy recipes, visit Kosher Create Menu.

Wholegrain Honey Raisin Challah

For more vegetarian recipes, check out our Healthy Vegetarian Recipe section.

Wholegrain Spelt Vegan Challah

Carrot Raisin Salad

Vegan Coleslaw

Jewish Holidays In A Circle With Pomegranate Decoration.