The 7 Species in Jewish Holidays

The 7 Species in Jewish Holidays

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Jewish Holidays - Sukkot
Jewish Holidays - Tu Bishvat

Megilat Ruth, the Book of Ruth, that is read on Shavuot – relates to the holiday with its description of the BARLEY and WHEAT harvest.  It also unfolds the unique story of Ruth’s acceptance of the Jewish faith. Ruth was the great-grandmother of King David.

Jewish Holidays - Shavuot
Jewish Holidays - Rosh Hashana

Olives are listed among THE 7 SPECIES. Derived from olives, olive oil is at the heart of the holiday of Hannukah. In fact, the captivating story of Hanukkah centers around a pitcher of . . . Olive Oil. (Learn more about the Miricle of Hanukkah & try our gluten-free baked Potato Latke Patties recipe!)

Jewish Holidays - Hanukkah
Jewish Holidays - Passover

GRAPES, that are listed among THE 7 SPECIES, lend their signature taste to wine – an alcoholic drink with rich undertones and a renowned history. As such, they have a place of honor and a specific blessing in the Jewish KIDDUSH ceremony, i.e., the blessing over wine that is recited on Shabbat and Jewish Holidays.

Shabbat Shalom
Jewish Holidays - Kosher Create