Date Walnut Spread Charoset Recipe

Date Walnut Spread Charoset Recipe

Follow this healthy Date Walnut Spread Charoset Recipe to create delicious Charoset within minutes! All you need is four ingredients and a food processor. With its sweet and rich flavor, it’s sure to gain a place of honor on your Passover Seder Plate. It’s so 

Zucchini, Bell Peppers & Tomato Sauce Recipe

Zucchini, Bell Peppers & Tomato Sauce Recipe

Zucchini, Bell Peppers & Tomato Sauce Recipe is easy to make and a welcome addition to a meal. Sauté onions, zucchini, and bell peppers. Add rich tomato sauce and you’ve created a savory dish that can be eaten hot or cold. The combination is nutritious 

Roasted Chicken & Bell Peppers Recipe

Roasted Chicken & Bell Peppers Recipe

Roasted Chicken & Bell Peppers is a refreshing and savory dish. Following this easy recipe, roast lean chicken thighs, fresh bell peppers, onions, and spices. Together they create chicken that is both nutritious and tasty. The bell pepper and onion circles, covering the chicken, form 

4 Vegan & Gluten-Free Soup Recipes

4 Vegan & Gluten-Free Soup Recipes

4 VEGAN & GLUTEN-FREE SOUP RECIPES TO WARM UP YOUR DAY Kosher Create presents 4 Vegan & Gluten-Free Soup Recipes: Lima Bean Tomato Soup, Orange Lentil Soup, Split Pea Soup, and Vegetable Tomato Soup. All four soups are made with natural ingredients. The recipes combine 

Semolina Almond Orange Cake Recipe

Semolina Almond Orange Cake Recipe

This Semolina Almond Orange Cake Recipe walks you through the steps to create a sweet and citrusy delight. Blend wholegrain semolina with nutritious almonds and tangy oranges. Pour a syrup made of naturally sweet orange juice and a hint of honey for a melt-in-your-mouth texture. 

How To Prepare & Cook Dried Chickpeas

How To Prepare & Cook Dried Chickpeas

Follow these easy step-by-step instructions and learn How To Prepare & Cook Dried Chickpeas from scratch. Using this method, you remove the chickpeas’ outer peels. After cooking the chickpeas become tender and appealing. Delicious as a snack and a desired addition for many recipes. Well 

Lima Bean Tomato Soup Recipe

Lima Bean Tomato Soup Recipe

Lima Bean Tomato Soup is a savory delicious delight. Follow this step-by-step recipe to fuse hearty lima beans with succulent tomatoes into a very special soup. Enhance the flavor of the lima beans and tomatoes with sautéed onions and choice ingredients. The aroma is heavenly 

Wholegrain Rice & Mushrooms Recipe

Wholegrain Rice & Mushrooms Recipe

Wholegrain Rice & Mushrooms Recipe is a blend of wholegrain basmati rice, sautéed button mushrooms and choice spices. Follow this step-by-step recipe, to create a vegan & gluten free dish that is delicious and wholesome as well. Enhance fluffy basmati rice with earthy flavored mushrooms 

Spinach Frittata Recipe

Spinach Frittata Recipe

This Spinach Frittata Recipe is a healthier version of a favorite classic dish. Combine fresh spinach leaves with scallions, eggs and wholegrain spelt breadcrumbs to create a tasty and nutritious frittata. Follow the easy instructions to bake this savory omelet. Spinach Frittata is versatile and 

Baked Sweet Potato & Herbs Recipe

Baked Sweet Potato & Herbs Recipe

This vegan & gluten-free Baked Sweet Potato & Herbs Recipe offers a unique blend of flavors. Bake delicious sweet potato with olive oil, garlic, nigella seeds and an aromatic herbal duo. The result is a hearty side dish that is both savory and sweet. Enjoy!