Tag: Vegetarian

Apple Blueberry Pie Recipe

Apple Blueberry Pie Recipe

Follow this step-by-step Apple Blueberry Pie Recipe to create a delectable treat. Blend naturally sweet apples with the tartness of blueberries for a flavor that delights. Bake on a bed of almond, oat and wholegrain spelt crust for a pie that is nutrient packed and 

Sautéed Vegetables & Chickpeas Recipe

Sautéed Vegetables & Chickpeas Recipe

This Sautéed Vegetables & Chickpeas Recipe shows you how to create a colorful, savory and nutritious dish. Follow this vegan and gluten-free recipe for a vegetable blend that is unique in taste and appeal. Sauté a selection of vegetables including zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, and bell 

Happy Shavuot From Kosher Create

Happy Shavuot From Kosher Create

Happy Shavuot From Kosher Create Looking for healthy dairy recipes or an assortment of recipes to make your Shavuot holiday festive? Searching for gluten-free options for savory dishes or desserts? Select from Kosher Create’s diverse collection to create a delicious meal. Click on the recipes 

Sweet Potato Patties Recipe

Sweet Potato Patties Recipe

These Sweet Potato Patties are gluten-free, wholesome and delicious. The recipe calls for grated sweet potato, onions, almond flour and eggs. Add a sprinkle of healthy olive oil, a dash of salt and a pinch of ground black pepper. The result is a savory healthy 

Spinach Frittata Recipe

Spinach Frittata Recipe

This Spinach Frittata Recipe is a healthier version of a favorite classic dish. Combine fresh spinach leaves with scallions, eggs and wholegrain spelt breadcrumbs to create a tasty and nutritious frittata. Follow the easy instructions to bake this savory omelet. Spinach Frittata is versatile and 

Bulgur Recipe

Bulgur Recipe

Bulgur, cracked wheat, is considered a wholegrain staple in the Mediterranean. Follow this vegan Bulgur Recipe step-by-step instructions to create fluffy bulgur. Use it as a satisfying side dish or as a base for salads. Interested in Mediterranean recipes? A free recipe eBook is waiting 

Zucchini Patties Recipe

Zucchini Patties Recipe

Follow this Zucchini Patties Recipe to create baked patties that are chock-full of veggie goodness. Combine grated zucchini, chopped scallions, wholegrain breadcrumbs and eggs for a savory treat. These flavorful patties are dairy free, great as a main or side dish, and simply delicious! Tip: 

Eggplant & Tomato Salad Recipe

Eggplant & Tomato Salad Recipe

This vegan & gluten free Eggplant & Tomato Salad Recipe is a healthier version of a Mediterranean favorite. Blend delicious roasted eggplants with savory tomato sauce to create a real treat. With the use of measured healthy olive oil and easy techniques you will capture