Tag: Vegetable

Zucchini, Bell Peppers & Tomato Sauce Recipe

Zucchini, Bell Peppers & Tomato Sauce Recipe

Zucchini, Bell Peppers & Tomato Sauce Recipe is easy to make and a welcome addition to a meal. Sauté onions, zucchini, and bell peppers. Add rich tomato sauce and you’ve created a savory dish that can be eaten hot or cold. The combination is nutritious 

4 Vegan & Gluten-Free Soup Recipes

4 Vegan & Gluten-Free Soup Recipes

4 VEGAN & GLUTEN-FREE SOUP RECIPES TO WARM UP YOUR DAY Kosher Create presents 4 Vegan & Gluten-Free Soup Recipes: Lima Bean Tomato Soup, Orange Lentil Soup, Split Pea Soup, and Vegetable Tomato Soup. All four soups are made with natural ingredients. The recipes combine 

Vegetable Mushroom Soup Recipe

Vegetable Mushroom Soup Recipe

Follow this easy Vegetable Mushroom Soup Recipe to create a soup that is healthy as well as tasty. Enhance the earthy taste of mushrooms by sautéing them with choice vegetables and spices. Simmer and spread the delectable aroma. This comfy vegan soup is sure to 

Baked Sweet Potato & Herbs Recipe

Baked Sweet Potato & Herbs Recipe

This vegan & gluten-free Baked Sweet Potato & Herbs Recipe offers a unique blend of flavors. Bake delicious sweet potato with olive oil, garlic, nigella seeds and an aromatic herbal duo. The result is a hearty side dish that is both savory and sweet. Enjoy! 

Zucchini Patties Recipe

Zucchini Patties Recipe

Follow this Zucchini Patties Recipe to create baked patties that are chock-full of veggie goodness. Combine grated zucchini, chopped scallions, wholegrain breadcrumbs and eggs for a savory treat. These flavorful patties are dairy free, great as a main or side dish, and simply delicious! Tip: