Tag: Almonds

Apple Almond Spread Charoset Recipe

Apple Almond Spread Charoset Recipe

Follow this Apple Almond Spread Charoset Recipe to create a healthy & tasty Charoset. Bake the apples to bring out their sweetness and roast the almonds for a rich flavor. Add a splash of cinnamon and a hint of honey to complement this delicious blend. 

Semolina Almond Orange Cake Recipe

Semolina Almond Orange Cake Recipe

This Semolina Almond Orange Cake Recipe walks you through the steps to create a sweet and citrusy delight. Blend wholegrain semolina with nutritious almonds and tangy oranges. Pour a syrup made of naturally sweet orange juice and a hint of honey for a melt-in-your-mouth texture. 

Cinnamon Swirl Cake Recipe

Cinnamon Swirl Cake Recipe

Follow this easy wholegrain Cinnamon Swirl Cake Recipe for a delicious cake that is packed with nutrients. Swirl cinnamon crumbs through a cake batter made of oats, almonds and a hint of apple. The warm scent of cinnamon and its natural sweetness is fully showcased 

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies Recipe

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies Recipe

Nutritionally packed Oatmeal Raisin Cookies are a yummy delight. Follow this easy recipe to blend oatmeal & almonds with naturally sweet raisins & applesauce. With no sugar added, you will create a healthy enriched cookie. Great for breakfast on-the-go, a snack or a well-deserved cookie 

Wholegrain Rice & Carrots Recipe

Wholegrain Rice & Carrots Recipe

Follow this vegan & gluten-free Wholegrain Rice & Carrots Recipe to create a festive treat. Mix fluffy wholegrain basmati rice with golden sautéed carrots. Top with almonds and raisins for a dish that is nutritious as well as enticing. Simply delicious! We invite you to